

Saints and sages from India went to China repeatedly through the centuries teaching Buddhism and the Yogic Traditions. One of these saints was the super sage Bodhidharma. He was born in 440 A.D., his transition date is unknown. He is considered by many to be an Immortal Bodhisattva. His name in Sanskrit means “Wisdom Way”. He is known as Ta-Mo in China and as Daruma in Japan. He was born a prince, son of the king Tamil Pallava of Kanchipuram. This make him a Kshatriya, one born into the mediator caste of India. He also took the vows and initiation into the Buddhist priesthood. His Buddhist teacher was Prajnatara, the 27th Indian Patriarch of Buddhism. Bodhidharma is considered the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism. Also, Bodhidharma is the 1st Patriarch of the Ch’an Buddhist Sect (Zen).